Monday, August 10, 2009


This is one of the most active Library boards that I have been on and I have been on the board since the late 1980s. We are planning our 30th anniversary and the completion of the children's annex September 1. The creative juices are amazing as they came up with decorating ideas. All of the board members were folding invitations while we were doing the board work. Michelle had put mailing labels on the sheets but they had to be folded and taped so they could be mailed. I ducked out to take a week's worth of REH cowboy columns to Vanda at the Review office. My job is to get an author for October and I got some suggestions after Jeff Guinn said he couldn't come.

Linda Burns and I both went across the street to get our lunch at the Senior Citizens Center run by my neighbor, Amber Thomas with Arlene Stephenson who left the library board to cook at the Center. I visited with some always interesting old-timers. One had been stationed as a radioman in Tokyo in 1953 and told an interesting story about an aircraft carrier who got stuck in the bay and rotated the ship by parking the Cutless planes facing in opposite directions on the deck, revving up the props and creating a torque that rotated the ship until it could exit. They always kept them out at sea after that.

I bought deer and bird food, groceries and came home to finish the laundry after my nap. I am watching some of the shows that I have recorded on the DVR. I watched an episode of Mentalist, one of Numbers that was about the Chinese prostitution trade with the comment that there are 11 million illegal Chinese in California. I had not recognized that problem. It was bizarre. They were burying women alive as a marraige ceremony. I am watching a Q&A interview of Frank Rich, a New York Times op-ed columnist who bashes Bush.

Tomorrow I get my hearing aids updated. So far they are doing great. And my deer feeder is working great on the automatic dawn and dark sensor.


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