Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I started the day with poached eggs and the left-over sausage and bacon with toast and honey. So tonight to get my banana in I had a banana split with a pineapple slice. I am cleaning out the fridge.

I drove to Baird to have Judge Roger Corn swear me in and ask the questions on the Muniment processing of the will. I answered correctly and he signed the papers and sent me down to file them with the County Clerk. They gave me a copy. Because I write a computer column I was intrigued by the fact that they scanned the papers into their computer and then printed my copy from the computer. I watched a man look up a deed in the records and show what he wanted to a clerk who brought the pages up on her computer to give him a copy. When I asked they said they have computer records back to 1987. They have a ways to go to get back to 1887 when the county was established.

I drove home and made my weekly inspection of the Halsell House. When I got back in the pickup my cell phone rang. It was the County Clerk telling me she had given me a paper they needed to file. So I drove back to Baird. As I walked in I saw a commotion at the end of the hall, looked down a couple of steps and in the doorway a woman was lying on the floor. They told me she came out of the restroom and screamed and fell in the floor. Her husband was doing some business with the Clerk. They told her to not move until the EMTs checked her out. I returned the form and the clerk said that is Mr. Rodenberger and Sally McGregor, who works in the office, came over to visit with me. She was Ila Falls daughter, Ma's sister-in-law, who was in an extended care facility when we attended her 100th birthday. Sally apologized for missing Lou's funeral because she was out of town that weekend and missed the notice. She was very nice to me.

I got home and wrote a check to move the SS money from Chase to the local bank that paying 4.5% interest. I added the refund check from A&M's insurance to the deposit.
Kiwanis program was the local Church of Christ pastor telling mostly church related jokes although one was about the sign on the Amish wagon about green transportation running on oats and grass but beware of stepping in the pollution.

I napped and it was a good thing I set an alarm on my cell phone because I really got soundly asleep. I had to be at my desk for a 3 o'clock call from my broker to advise me on portfolio changes. I agreed with his suggestions and started the trading process.

It has been hot so I gave up and turned on the AC because I sleep better than in the warm humid air. Kathy called and asked what my plans are for tomorrow and I said I didn't have any.

Looks like the Rangers will win another game.


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