Friday, May 08, 2009


Abilene broke a record with 103 degrees but I only got to 99. Vonnie said it made 103 in San Angelo also. It wasn't bad this morning when I fired up the Deere riding lawn mower because there was a strong breeze keeping it cool. I mowed the high grass over the septic tank and the lawn inside the fence at the Halsell house. I don't mow my yard as long as the wild flowers are blooming and wait until they develop seeds. However it is strange how wildflowers move around. When we first moved in the verbenas lined both sides of the steps in front. I didn't mow them but there are none there now. They are still around in the yard. For years the Indian blankets covered the slope on the north side and there are none there now. I still have them in the front and back yards. The bluebonnets finally showed up near Mark's play house he built for Ashley and left here when he went to Japan. And two bluebonnets showed up this side of the retaining wall near the others. I have lots of yellow flowers scattered all over the yard and there are some that come out in another week that I don't want to mow now.

I finally gave up and went to town to get a haircut because I have some formal meetings next week. I also mailed another month of the blog to Tim Dill in prison and can only read the ones I print for him. It also gives me a hard copy for my files. I realize it is a good family history. My printer quit printing and when I called tech support they explained that I need a new toner drum. Now I am trying to decide whether to pay $55 for 3000 copies or $75 for 6000. I think $55 will last for several years.

Due to the heat I spent the afternoon catching up on thank you's. I am also trying to beat the price increase on stamps Monday.

Tomorrow I have to vote in Cross Plains and then go to Abilene to buy toner, some pills I can't buy in CP and visit the Western Heritage Classic ranch show to see what is new for my Livestock Weekly column.


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