Monday, October 12, 2009


As I left this morning to go to the Library board meeting, I heard a squeal and a squirrel came running toward the liveoak with a fox right behind him. When the fox saw me he slowed and the squirrel kept chattering all the way up the tree. The board was busy getting ready to host the Meet the Author tomorrow with Al Pickett from Abilene doing his sports radio show by cell phone from the Cross Plains Library. They asked me if he is using a cell phone that works in CP. But we decided that we can back him up since we have a direct line to Abilene if necessary. We also have a fund raiser in November with a blind man who shows how modern technology lets blind men hunt deer. We have an amazing board who have great ideas on everything.

This morning started with a great email from Susan Hunter who has been with her daughter in Denton who was two weeks overdue, with the news that a 9# baby is here and everyone is now happy. I had her on my prayer list. Also Jimmy Dale Long who passed out when running his bath water and scalded his legs. He is doing better but will be in the hospital for a while. What was interesting was the rumor in SS class that he had been sent home because of the flu epidemic needing his room. I am always amazed how false rumors get started.

I finished a book that I was reviewing for the Library. It was ESCAPE FROM SADDAM by Lewis Alsamari who changed his name to Lewis when he escaped to England. It is a horrifying story about the brutality of Saddam who emulated Stalin in controlling the population by intimidation and brutality. The description of the prisons contrasts the situations in Islamic countries with the prison in England. The author spent a lot of time locked up. He went through all kinds of false passports both for his escape and to bring his family out of Iraq to England. You learn a lot about people smuggling. It makes you appreciate living in a free country.

I am enjoying the cold weather but sure miss having someone help me warm the bed. It is great to have my body back in normal situation with all the drugs cleaned out and having the ability to sleep all night and enjoy normality. I will admit that Saturday I watched the A&M OSU game being neutral because I have a degree from OSU and taught at A&M I broke my healthy eating routine, ate chips, dips, Shiner beer, popcorn and finished off the last of my Bluebell Rocky Road ice cream. My weight is down and I ought to stay on track with healthy foods.


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