Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Today will be one to remember. It started with a good night's sleep because Lou had a sleeping pill that the nurse brought yesterday and was sleeping on a hospital air bed with her feet elevated. I felt 200% better and Lou slept till 9 and woke up hungry. Yesterday I bought a loaf of cinnamon bread so I made cinnamon french toast and Lou loved it. While we were eating breakfast we saw nature at work. I put up a new thistle feeder a couple of weeks ago and the finch have found it. This morning one finch had bad luck when feeding on that feeder and a blue darter hawk flew right toward us, caught the unsuspecting finch and flew back to the cedar row where he lives. He didn't tell the finch April Fool!.

Then Mark took a days leave from Lockheed and brought Mary Kathryn to visit. Of course MK made lunch and even though Lou had just had brunch she couldn't turn down MK's cooking.

Then two male angels from the church showed up. Angels are not always female. Yesterday Susan Hunter volunteered her husband Roy and her brother Larry Killgo to help move furniture. I thought maybe I could sleep on our bed with Lou's hospital bed next to it, but it was really crowded. With Mark's help they moved the queen bed up to the bedroom. Mark and I moved one twin bed out into the alcove in the library. Roy and Larry moved the other one down to our bedrom next to Lou's. Then we discussed the feral hog situation. Larry was in charge of varmit control in New Mexico before he retired and moved to the Cross Plains area. They reported seeing as many as 100 animals on their place here. They use traps. Larry told me that shooting at the hog will run him off because they remember being shot at and don't come back.

Then Sue and Ike came to visit and ate supper. MK made quesidillas with twice-baked potatos. Lou needed a couple of pain killers to get through the afternoon and had difficulty walking back to her chair the last time. Mark showed me how the wheel chair works and we got it off the back porch and I told Lou that I would be her rickshaw driver to help her get around if she wanted some help. When she went to bed at 9 she let me wheel her to bed on the wheel chair. She did walk to the commode but was very shaky. She let me set up the bedside commode but we will see if she uses it.

She also missed her clock last night so I found a power strip and now she has the clock where she can see it. Tonight Lou wanted a Hershey's chocolate so I gave her a Kiss. She loved it. I give her a lot of other kisses and hugs for everyone who told me to give Lou a hug and a kiss.

Thanks for all of your prayers.


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