Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The day started cloudy. After breakfast with Sylvia of cereal I started to walk to get the mail and got to the Halsell House when thunder sounded and I realized I might get wet so I walked back to get the pickup. And as I got the mail the raindrops started. But it didn't rain much. It quit for a while. We looked at the TV showing the storm going past and another coming in from the west. I also looked at the Internet NOAA maps. I cancelled my plans to go to Abilene today and got started on taxes.

We got a phone call from the Herndons who had gotten to Cross Plains saying they were coming out. As they called the storm broke with more rain coming in. They got here a little after noon and had to use their umbrellas. They told about driving through hail so small it looked like snow covering the road between Rising Star and Cross Plains. They brought food but we had been heating the quiche that Sylvia brought and added some cantalope that I had bought Tuesday. You worry about the first cantalope of the season, but this was a good one. And for dessert we enjoyed the chocolate merinque pie. Lou even ate a little with us. The Herndons got to visit with Sylvia and learn about her involvement in the Aggie bonfire collapse and memorial work. She was heavily involved in that project.
Sylvia left and we visited with the Herndons about our kids and theirs and stories from the many years we worked together in Fort Worth. Chuck and I designed a couple of wing panels on the B-58 back in the 50s. Then we worked together to change GD's culture from design drafting tables to computer-aided-design in the 1980s. I left in 1990 and Chuck retired a few years later.
They left in sunshine but looking at black clouds in the east where they were headed. I had about 0.3" in my rain guage. Sylvia called when she got home saying that she drove through heavy thunderstorms all the way home. Even drove under a Sonic shelter to get out of hail in Hamilton.
About 6 the turkeys showed up and now there are two toms strutting around puffing up their feathers. There are 8 hens and two toms now.
Lou did pretty well today. She took a few extra pain pills during the day to keep the pain down. She is fussing about not being able to remember things and I told her it is due to the medications she is taking.
Thank you all for keeping her in your prayers.


Blogger Fran said...

Charles: I have sent Lou a copy of my TSHA speech on her e-mail, in case she wants to read it. You may have to download it because there are 2 pictures in it.

You are doing a great job, Charles, of letting us keep up with our precious Lou. Thank you so much.

1:13 PM  

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