Tuesday, January 19, 2010


If you want to read some great stories the Bible has a bunch of them. My SS class read Numbers 22-27 last Sunday and one of the best stories is about Balaam and his donkey. Balaam was summoned by Balak, King of Moab to curse the Israelites but his donkey saw visions of angels and stopped three times like donkeys do. The last time he just laid down under Balaam and got another beating. Then Balaam saw the angel and really got worried. It is a great story but only my class would point out that changing one letter in the bad king of Moab would give you the name Barak. I missed that when I was preparing the lesson.

Yesterday I worked hard and finished the three book reviews for the Library that were due by the 20th of the month. One was a biography of Bill Gates by Marc Aronson that I have commented on before. It is a good history of the development of the personal computer and the story of the transformation of Gates from hard-nosed developer of MicroSoft into the philantrophist that he has become.

Two other books were directed at high school students. Earth Chemistry and The Life of Stars that are full of evolutionary myths about the earth and solar systems. Interesting books with a lot of beautiful photos of the stars in the galaxies in the star book. I did have to point out in the Chemistry book that Einstein did not develop the equation E=mc2 that the author ascribed to him. Ernst Mach first came up with the theory and others used it. Einstein was given credit for a lot that he didn't do. His first wife developed the mathematical theory that won him the Nobel prize and he gave the medal to her. But he has become another myth in science.


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