Wednesday, April 22, 2009


This morning I decided to work outside before it got too hot. I used the pickup to load up the brush pile in the front yard with some other dead branches, hauled them to my brush pile and picked up compost and the mail. I put the compost on the roses and crepe myrtle after adding some dry molasses to it.

Mark sent me a photo of Mary Kathryn at her award dinner with her orchid lei.

Tomorrow I will go to the annual meeting of the Taylor County Electrical Coop to pick up my two checks for the two houses. I probably won't stay for the BBQ but plan to eat Chinese in Abilene. The Funeral Home said that I should get the death certificates in the mail tomorrow so I will wait for the mail to run and if they do come I will spend the afternoon at the SS office, Merrill-Lynch and Chase bank taking care of business.
I continue to get mail each day telling of more gifts in Lou's name. I really appreciate all of the remembrances for her.
I keep getting asked how I am and I now understand God's peace that passes all understanding. I am completely at peace with knowing that Lou is not in pain and at peace in a better place. I am sleeping well and trying to get into a normal routine. I plan to try to work outside some each day. There are a lot of projects that need doing. And I have a lot of church projects. Thanks for your prayers, they may have added to my peace.


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