Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This is Lydia's day to clean the house and it was a mess after all of the people that came by the house after the funeral. The house was in good shape due to the cleaning by my family members. But we did have a lot of garbage that Lydia also collects for me.

I walked to the mailbox after I took the fish food I bought the other day to the pond and fed the fish who do not appear. I haven't seen those high dollar koi or even the cheap goldfish since we put them in.

I had answered all the gifts to the CP Library that they gave me Sunday last night and mailed them with all the thank you's that Kathy had left and I had added my notes to. I left the 32 MINUTES IN HELL book and a bunch of magazines at the Library.

Kiwanis had an interesting speaker. He trains Marine Reserves at the Marine detachment located at Dyess AFB. He has been stationed in Abilene doing recruitment and training for 9 years and has a ranch operation over in Coleman County on a family place. He raises bucking bulls and will finish his 20 years with the service and plans to go back to school to take a Master's in Bucking Bull genetics which is now being offered at A&M. I couldn't believe they have a masters in that specific an area but they do. He told about his experience with the CP Volunteer Fire Department and his work training volunteers for that work. He told about some of the recent fires including the one over in Eastland County that took out 12,000 acres.

I bought a few groceries some fruit and paper plates because I have a fridge and freezer full of food and need to slack off on the eating. My weight is still up but I have gotten all the desserts eaten and should do better. I then went by Lawrence Farm and Ranch Supply to restock my wildlife food.

When I got home I printed out wildlife photos and receipts from Lawrence to attach to my annual report to the Appraisal District which is due before April 30.

Tonight Ashley and Ross participated in the Aggie Muster in Fort Worth where Lou's name was read during the Silver Taps portion. I am glad that they could be there.


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