Monday, April 06, 2009


I had a lot of help today. Mark and Mary Kathryn stayed over one day and I really used them, especially MK. Mark was able to work for Lockheed as a telecommuter today. Lou slept well last night and I got some sleep. We gave her a laxative pill last night because of the constipation caused by the strong pain pills. The laxative worked today. It started about 11 a.m. when MK and I found a big mess to clean up. We had done a pretty good job and were about half through when the wonderful hospice nurse assistant who bathes Lou came and finished up for us. Then this afternoon we learned how to change three more that weren't too bad. Then Mark and MK went home and I had to call on those who said they would come anytime to help. Lydia is due to clean house tomorrow but she came about 8 to help. It is great to have such good friends on call.

This afternoon Dr. Rev. Bob Monk, who retired from teaching Methodism (he writes textbooks on the subject) came and visited with Lou and then met with Mark and MK and me. He has agreed to do Lou's funeral whenever that time comes and we had a good discussion. Isn't the name Monk a great name for a preacher! He was director of the Wesley Foundation at A&M from '52 to '58 and I was chairman of the board of that foundation for about 15 years from '65. Later he held the job of director of all Wesley Foundations in Texas. This is the Methodist outreach on college campuses. He was a prof with Lou at McMurry so we have a long relationship with him.

Thank all of you for your emails and prayers. I have put an away notice on Lou's email because she just isn't up to reading and answering it.


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