Friday, March 20, 2009


Last night we had another traumatic experience. Lou went to the bathroom and I heard a loud bump Lou called out I fell! The hospice nurse had brought me a wide belt to use in helping her up. I put it around her, but couldn't get her up in the bathroom. She scooted on the floor to the bedroom where I finally picked her up with the belt. Next time I may have to call a neighbor to help. The hospice nurse said to call them but they are at least one hour from here. The Lord was watching over her because she didn't break any bones and her arm bones are really small. And she didn't break her hip. She got a small abrasion on her right elbow that I put a bandaid on.
The hospice nurse suggested a bedside commode and Lou agreed to one so it was delivered this afternoon. I don't know whether I can get her to use it.

She are a normal breakfast and has had no diarrhea problems today. She was up about every two hours last night and I got up each time to help her back in bed. She slept this morning while I went to get the mail. Mark and Mary Kathryn came about 11:30 and MK made quesadillas with quacamole for lunch. Also a ginger cake with Kool Whip for dessert.

Mark helped me fill the deer feeder. I looked at the wildlife camera chip for two nights and the hog came in about 11 p.m. on the 17th. He wasn't there the next night. So I didn't get him when I shot at him.

This afternoon I finished editing the Flame for the church and published it. I needed to get it done and missed a couple of stories that came in after I went to press. But I am about out of time this weekend.

Mark and MK left about 6:30 and we saw a white pickup drive up a few minutes later. James Nichols brought us a copy of his new book CATTLEMEN, COWBOYS AND RANCHES. It is a novel that looks at all the ranchers around Cross Plains. The cover is a photo of Rusty Reed in front of his Box R ranch gate. As James left he looked at my attempts to garden in the front yard and had suggestions. He said roses need bone meal as well as tomatoes but peppers need sulpher and he puts one paper match under each plant and that provides all the sulpher they need.

Then at 8:15 Kathy, Keith and Val came in followed later by Jim, Mandi and their two sons, Christopher and Brent. So Lou has had a lot of visitors.

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. The guardian angels were working overtime last night.


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