Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Lou commented that this was a busy day. We started the day with our daughter Kathy and her daughter Valerie who were busy fixing breakfast and doing laundry. Then at 10 Lydia came to clean the house and the Wilcoxs went back to San Antonio to go to the Spurs game tonight.

I got to go to town, get a haircut, buy wildlife food, groceries and attend Kiwanis. There was a former Kiwanis president, Dr. Richard Chaffin now from Lubbock and in his RV for a three month tour of Texas and Arizona. He was our Methodist pastor for 5 years, liked CP bought a nice two story home and retired here until the 2005 fire that took the church and parsonage also took their home. They spent a lot of time in the RV and finally returned to Lubbock where they had a lot of friends from being a pastor there.

When I got home the hospice team made their first visit. I had asked them to come today because I was almost out of nausea medicine and they will provide medicines, keeping me from having to get someone to stay with Lou while I drive to Abilene. They were very nice and Lou was comfortable answering their questions and signing their forms. Tonight I read their information and it helped a lot to understand what will come.

Then Sue came bearing gifts as usual and bringing Ike to visit with Lou. She enjoyed a glass of wine with us. Lou then ate her usual supper. And then she got a great phone call from Judith Keeling at Texas Tech Press.

She went to bed hurting but took her pain pill just before going to bed and it hadn't had time to get digested.

We are looking forward to the promise of rain for the next three days but Lou is not looking forward to temperatures with highs in the 30s. I am not going to publish the wildlife photo of the ugly feral hog who came back last night.

We appreciate all of the prayers and support.


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