Friday, February 27, 2009


I don't remember our peach tree blooming this early. February 27 and peach blossoms on one tree. The other tree is a later peach and the cold front should keep it from blooming, maybe. Also we should get a really hard freeze in a couple of weeks to stop all peach growth on the one that bloomed.

Lou is doing a little better. She got an engraved rock from Charley Korbell yesterday that made her day. Personally engraved and now displayed on the front table. Today she is catching up on her email. Dawn Letson responded that TWU Library would be the repository of the Jane Gilmore Rushing archives and I am sure that will please Lou.

The plumber just left and we have a huge mound of dirt over the septic lateral line that he said would settle in the next rain. So it may be April 2010 before it rains, but it will sometime. The turkeys are back and one is just outside the front window pecking where I finally fertilized my roses and crepe myrtle. He also repaired the water line to the pond routing it around the septic tank. I let it run into the pond to raise the water level. Saw no fish at all. I imagine there are some hiding under the big rock.

I appreciate your prayers for Lou.


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