Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I got the ironing done and also wrote an apology to Jada vonTungeln at TTPress to apologize for the misunderstanding about Rushing archival material. I failed to realize that she was talking about the archives of Lou's work with the Press on her book. We thought that they were getting rid of Rushing archives in the Southwest Collection. That wasn't the material she was talking about. Anyhow she sent Lou's material to Dawn Letson at TWU who will be getting most of Lou's writing archives eventually anyhow. Glad to get that cleared up.

Lou is feeling a little better today. This morning she said she was hungry but only wanted the usual breakfast of Cheerios and cinnamon toast. She slept hard most of the morning. This afternoon I finally got her to look at her email and she is enjoying that. She got one email with a lot of good advice on how to lead your life. She read that one to me. Sounded good to me. She was wanting to know if the Spur judging was finished and could get rid of those materials.

She has enjoyed watching the Tom turkey and his harem. They are in the front yard almost all day. I turned down an angel who offered to stay with Lou for me to go to Kiwanis today, but I felt that I should stay with her. It has been a good day. Lou wanted tomato soup for lunch with a grilled cheese sandwich. I added cottage cheese and tomato but I ended up eating that salad. I polished off the last bowl of Bonner's soup and enjoyed that.

Lou has enjoyed the Lenten Devotional booklet from our church. They are anonymous but Lou said the first one sounded like Arlene Stephenson. Which reminds me that I owe great thanks to Tom Stephenson who went with Rev. Wallace Bennett to pick up the library from Rev. Jack Payne that Mark and Mary Kathryn had picked up last Friday and stored at their home. I am glad there are so many people taking care of projects I initiate.

We heard from our French daughter who is skiing in the Austrian Alps with her family this week. They had a birthday party celebrating those who are celebrating zero birthdays including her husband who will turn 60 this year. She was glad that her adopted son has a job with almost 50% unemployment for his age group. He just finished schooling in heaters and air conditioners. He is still bringing his laundry home on visits.

Thanks to all of you who send your prayers.


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