Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Lou got a card today that complained that I hadn't updated the blog. I worry about too much trivia, but I should do a better job of letting everyone know how Lou is doing. She is doing better this week. Monday she was able to stand by herself and with her permission I went to Cross Plains to buy groceries when I can get the 5% senior discount. I left her with her cell phone with my number so that she only has to open it and hold down on the blue button to get me. I put the cordless phone by her chair in case anyone calls and was only gone about one hour. She spends a lot of time sleeping in her unreclined recliner and I don't think she even knew that I was gone.

Then came Tuesday with an angel appearing to stay with Lou while I was gone longer. Susan Hunter is a member of our Sunday School class that has offered to stay with Lou when I need to go somewhere. She brought a meal that she shared with Lou. She should have brought her husband Roy so he could eat, but Lou ate some of her delicious meat balls. Today I got to enjoy them with cabbage and mashed potatoes that she brought. Lou ate another meatball today. We had sliced peaches for dessert with the Devil's food cup cakes the angel brought. I threw in a slice of Rex Gaggino's rum cake for my part also. I got a lot done in town. Mailed some bills, got my hair cut and found out everything that is going on on Main street. The barber is our mayor and his wife has cancer so we commiserate together. I cashed my Livestock Weekly check so that I can have my walking around money, arranged for a loan if I need it to repair my septic tank, if and when they can get to it. Went to Kiwanis and helped set the date of March 12 for the annual pancake supper. Not many members present but they will show up when needed. I then paid Lawrence Farm and Ranch where they gave me a bag of salted peanuts in the shell along with my deer corn, deer block and sunflower seed for the birds. I shared the peanuts with Susan along with some of the rum cake.

Lou also ate more than 1/2 of my famous pecan waffles this morning. Hopefully more food will mean more energy. Lou napped this morning on the couch with her feet up on two pillows to try to help the swelling in her legs and feet. She is having fairly normal BMs and that helps a lot. She slept late this morning after waking me from a deep sleep at 2:45 telling me it was 7:45 and the radio was on and I needed to go light the fireplace. I explained what time it was and she apologized. Then when the radio came on at 7 and I got up and lit the fire, when I came back she was still in bed so I turned the radio off and we stayed in bed until 7:45 which is very unusual for her. She took a shower this morning and washed her hair. Yesterday she skipped bathing which is also unusual. She seems a little stronger today.

It is great to see angels appear at your door. Lou said she was sleeping and woke up to see Susan just sitting there waiting for her to wake. They had a good conversation. She remarked how smart Susan was.

I will try to do a better job of keeping up. Somewhere in the blog world there is a place that you can ask to be notified when the blog is updated and will get an email to that effect. I have seen it but don't remember how to activate it.

I have got to quit playing solitaire. My daughter Kathy was playing Spider Solitaire. I tried it and did 39% on the two deck but have failed completely on the four deck option. I have gotten one or two sets to complete but not all. I don't think it can be done.


Blogger Unknown said...

Charles, here is a link to the instructions for enabling "feeds" so people can get emails when you update: (click here)

6:29 AM  

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