Sunday, January 18, 2009


Lou is doing a little better every day but her sister Sue is in Hendrick Hospital in Abilene. She was having chest pains and has been worried that she is having a heart attack for some time. Her son Al took her to the emergency room where they ran tests and diagnosed her with anxiety attack and reflux. She disagreed with the diagnosis so they admitted her for observation. I will check on her later today. The physical therapist came to see Lou Friday and we won't see her for at least two weeks because she is going on vacation.

Kathy brought her son Jim and daughter Valerie Friday night. Yesterday Jim and I went to Abilene to pick up prescriptions for Lou and to purchase hardware for Lou's projects. Jim installed a grab bar over her towel rack and she really appreciated it this morning. He also installed a shower head that can be handheld and she used that this morning. We weren't as successful adding a lever so that she could lift her recliner leg support. She doesn't have the strength to go the full rotation that is required to lower it back down.

Lou is eating a little more and having less problems with her plumbing. This morning she is checking her email and Kathy is going to prepare breakfast. This is the first morning since I can remember when Lou stayed in bed until 7. My alarm goes off at 6:30 with the radio coming on. This morning I turned it off and Lou went back to sleep with me and didn't get up until 7:10. I have reset the alarm to 7 with Lou's permission. Tomorrow morning we get up at 5 to leave at 6 for Lou's chemo appointment at 8:30 in FW. Kathy and kids will go with us and leave from FW to go back to San Antonio.

Kathy is counselor at Alamo Heights High School and gets to meet some interesting parents. She said that the new speaker of the House is one of her parents and she has met with him in helping his daughter apply to Vanderbilt when she graduates this year. Lou will miss the TWU lobbying the legislature this year. In the past she has been part of the delegation encouraging the Leg to adequately fund TWU. I talked to them about engineering concerns. We will skip that this year. Lou is hoping that she will get strong enough to make the Regent's meeting in Februrary. This carboplatin chemo may enable her.

Keep Lou in your prayers and add her sister Sue for a while.


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