Friday, January 23, 2009


The fourth and fifth days after chemo are blah days. Lou felt bad yesterday but had a quiet day. She asked the therapist not to come and we had no visitors. Today was different. In the morning Lou napped with her feet up high on two pillows. The therapist that she likes came at 11 and gave her a good workout and left instructions for me to help her do them in the future. Lou asked that they not come again until we call. Lou is struggling with constipation now even though she has been drinking prune juice and taking stool softeners. She doesn't want to eat much until she gets some relief. We ate a late breakfast and were waiting for a late lunch when UPS left a package on the front porch.

It was a buttermilk pie from a Boerne bakery sent by the Korbells. A few minutes later our cleaning lady Lydia dropped by coming back from a trip to Baird. She wanted to check on Lou so she got the first piece of pie. Then we ate lunch finishing the excellent soup that Cherry Shults brought Tuesday. Lou didn't eat much but I did. She then enjoyed a small slice of pie along with two little notes from the Korbells that show up every week. They made a practice of leaving notes all over the house when they were our guests during Charlie's A&M days. They renewed the practice when they came to our 50th anniversary party and again when they visited not long ago.

We are now waiting for our daughter to come in. She will spend this weekend and our son will come next weekend. That will let me go to Abilene to get Lou's pain pill prescription. Lou is planning to take a laxative tonight. The therapist gave her some leg lift exercises that she said would help move stuff through her bowels and help with the constipation problems.

Your prayers are helping. She should feel better every day this next couple of weeks.


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