Sunday, January 11, 2009


I told Lou that she broke one of the Ten Commandments because she worked all day on the Sabbath. She took a nap this morning and woke me up from mine to ask me to plug in her computer. She wanted to check her email. We had eaten breakfast late so she worked from 11 to 1 when she ate a few spoonfuls of the beans from MK's pork and beans she made yesterday. She ate some fruit for dessert. She then napped for an hour and back to the computer. She worked 70 emails that were all important messages from her friends. Of course when she answered some she immediately got returns and had to read them. Tonight at 8 she finally finished all of her mail. I took this photo of her in her new recliner working on her email about 8. She even had a little luck with her BMs that have been bothering her. I have been trying to keep her from going the laxative route and tonight she drank some prune juice. Maybe we can stop the constipation/diarrhea problems that have disturbed her sleep and caused a lot of problems for her. She is still having difficulty standing up and I help her with that. Her back is hurting but she is taking normal doses of pain pills.

She loves her recliner, but can't operate the lever and I have to position her legs and let her out when she needs to get up.

Thanks to every one for your prayers.


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