Sunday, January 25, 2009


Six turkeys came this weekend to eat all the grasshoppers in the yard. At least I guess that is what they are eating. They scratch all through the yard after eating corn under the deer feeder. Kathy was here and took photos of them. She also took good care of Lou and me. Lou isn't eating much because she is worried about the constipation and is taking milk of magnesia pills. She had a small BM and we hoped that would start the process but she is planning to take four more pills tonight. She calls this the chemo blahs and is a little better today than yesterday. Kathy made potato soup that Lou ate a little bowl. She ate some Blue Bell ice cream for dessert.

I worked on the internet edition of The Flame, the FUMC newsletter this week and decided to print copies to take to church this morning. As usual with computer printing I goofed it up. I was printing on both sides and after printing a couple of pages it said the black ink cartridge was low and suggested canceling the printing. Dumb me did. Then I had a problem getting it restarted and got most pages down. I did get 5 copies to church but got there about 5 minutes late. I got a little feedback, came home and revised the copy and emailed it to all the members I have in my address book. I had to make a special copy by deleting one of the photos to send to Rev. Hubert Austin because his email won't accept a document over 520,000 and the original was 553,000. Then it worked as far as I know.

I plan to put extra photos in the CPFUMC blog where they can be accessed more easily than in a PDF file that is the newsletter format.


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