Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Yesterday was a frozen day. The temperature didn't get above freezing and the ice kept me from going to get the mail until noon. Lydia postponed cleaning until today. Kiwanis called and cancelled so we stayed home and rested. I really intended to get upstairs and work on my taxes but took a long nap instead.

Then there was this morning. About 4:45 the power went off. I got up and checked the outside temperature at 19 degrees. Fortunately the fireplace had a fire going and I had a couple of sticks of wook in the house to add to it. Also last year I bought a screen to keep the embers from coming out and could go back to bed and not worry about it. I knew it was supposed to warm up when the sun came up. I finally got up and dressed about 7 and Lou stayed in bed. I brought some more wood in and it threw out some good heat from coals. The sun came up around 7:30 and the temperature started coming up. Lou got up, put on her robe and came to her recliner where I bundled her like a mummy in her blanket. It was warm enough near the fireplace. About 9 someone pounded on the door. It was the postman delivering our mail in the ice. Bobby Curtis is a great friend and we appreciated his thoughfulness. It was really icy at that time. At 9:30 the power came on - for about 10 seconds and went off again. I called and they said they were still working on the outage. I kept putting off making breakfast in hope that I could us the skillet for scrambled eggs.

Lou had told me that she didn't want junk food like yesterday so I had planned scrambled eggs and toast, but no power meant that I couldn't get it done. I am really not a campfire cook and don't know how to toast bread in the fireplace. Finally I fixed two bowls of cold cereal and we were eating them by the fireplace when the power came back permanently at 10:30. I hadn't made Lou's coffee but she suggested a cup of hot chocolate. That tasted good. I was all fouled up. Lou finally went to get dressed and I got to shave and take morning pills.

Lydia came at 11:30 and I put recycle stuff in the car and left at noon to go to Abilene to pick up Lou's pills. She took her last pain pill this morning and we really needed them. She asked me to buy her a flannel granny gown. I went by Penney's and got one that she says will be too big, but it was on sale cheap. I have washed and dried it and we will look at it tonight. I looked in her closet and found a flannel granny gown that she already has and she will wear it tonight between the flannel sheets that we got for Christmas. Lou always feels cold and she doesn't like this kind of weather.

When I got home I broiled a prime rib steak that I had and made some mashed potatoes out of a box and Lou appreciated the non-junk food even if some was out of the package. We also shared buttermilk pie with Lydia and had some for dessert around 3:30.

It sure is a good feeling to have power and email available this afternoon. I looked out the window after my nap from 4 to 5 and saw a large buck deer with five does in his harem. They like this kind of weather.

See, your prayers are keeping us in God's care. Thanks.


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