Saturday, July 12, 2008

Walking is good for you. Right. Not this morning. Kathy was planning to go home today, but first we walked for our two miles. It was a great day until we got about 1/4 mile from the front gate. A car was coming and we always step off the pavement. I stepped on the gravel edge that is about 4" wide and suddenly I was lying on the ground. I hit hard. I sat up and my left hand had all the skin off and bleeding. My nose and face was bleeding. I had a couple of tissues in my pocket to stench the flow. A pickup with a horse trailer stopped and a mustachioed cowboy help me stand up. He works for the Cunningham Ranch behind us. I walked on back to the house and started cleaning up. Kathy helped bandage me and we didn't have large bandages (I forgot that there is a first aid kit in the Toyota). We decided after breakfast to get a professional dressing on the wound. That was probably a mistake.

I couldn't find the number for the Cross Plains Clinic. Finally called the Callahan Sheriff's department who gave the number. A recording said to go to the nearest emergency room. I called the Sheriff's office back and confirmed that the nearest one is in Abilene. Kathy cancelled her plans and drove me to the Walk-In Clinic that is run by Abilene Diagnostic Clinic. They had me in the computer so I only had to fill out 5 sheets of paper. So far so good. Asked when I had my last tetanus shot and I couldn't tell them, they gave me a booster, with assurances that my arm will really hurt tomorrow.

The clinic doctor in his cowboy boots cleaned up my left hand and put a transparent bandage on. That looked ugly. Then he got mean and said that "older" people with head injuries and I was developing a large knot and black eye, had to have a CAT Scan to make sure that there is no trauma to the brain. He also explained that as we get older our brain gets smaller. So we went to the Hendrick ER. It is now about 11. The doc's bandage was leaking blood out of both sides and the ER nurse immediately pulled it off and had me soak my hand in pan of treated water. An hour later the doctor came in and ordered X-rays to check my ribs for cracks and a CAT Scan. I finally found time to take a 15 minute nap when they took me to X-ray. A few minutes later I had the CAT Scan.

We then waited for the doctor to look at them. He came in and said there was no problem which is what I had told him, but I imagine the bill is now over $3000, but I don't know. Finally the nurse came in and repackaged my hand which is what we went to town for in the first place. They all told me that I would hurt a lot more tomorrow and advised taking Tylenol. Wouldn't let me take Aspirin that I prefer.

It is now 3 p.m. and Kathy is starving. She loves Rosa's food and we got a take out to take home to Lou. Got home a little after 4 and Kathy cancelled going home today. She will go tomorrow. She has to be back to give TAKS tests to the ones who failed last semester. She will come back the next week to take care of the ancient ones. Lou is not too happy with me and I am considering applying for the stupid record. I look like I lost a really bad fight. I think I will skip Church tomorrow. I may not make the Library board meeting Monday.

Your prayers for Lou have seemed to be effective so you might add me for three days. We were distressed today by Tony Snow's death.


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