Thursday, June 26, 2008

Today was eye doctor annual checkup. Lou came out fine. I was told that my right eye could improve with cataract surgery. I hadn't considered it before because I have macular degeneration in that eye, but he said the ARMD is stable and an operation would improve sight in that eye. I am looking at dates and will have to schedule when I have driver to take me. Only takes one day. They operate in the morning and check it in the afternoon and you can go home. For in-town residents they come back the second day for checking. We then went across the street to have blood taken for Lou's CA 125 and from me for a kidney recheck.

We drove across town to use the OfficeMax bag that gave 15% discount on anything in the bag. I replenished my ink jets and bought some paper. Lou got some storage boxes. We went to the mall and ate Mexican food. Bought a few things, went by HEB to recycle paper and plastic. And home. Maybe tomorrow I will get caught up on the UMC minutes from Weds last week. I usually get them out in a day or two.

On at literary note the Library is trying to schedule Dixie Cash (two sisters) for a special event of Meet the Authors this summer. Trying to find a good date.


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