Monday, June 23, 2008

The good news is that Lou made it to our new church building for Sunday School, church and potluck dinner. She sat in three different chairs but survived. She appreciated the new restroom and was greeted by everyone who was glad to see her.

Today she got the CA 125 results and they weren't so good. They came in at 28 which is a big jump from the last results at 6. Dr. Hansen asked for a retest in a few weeks. His office also called today to say that Dr. Hansen has asked for a PET scan and they are trying to schedule it for this Friday. We have a eye doctor appointment Thursday.

She walked with me to the front gate this morning. Our son, Mark, is on a business trip to Pakistan and his wife has forwarded some of his emails. He has had two suits and 6 shirts that are being made for him. I was surprised at how well he is able to communicate by email and phone service. There is a 11 hour difference between him and us.


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