Thursday, June 19, 2008

One more trip to Texas Oncology in Fort Worth to meet with Dr. Hancock. He had the CT Scan report from Abilene that showed a "nodule" on the left side near the adrenal gland in the back. Another small object was shown on a lung, but he wasn't concerned and concurred with recommendation of radiologist to look at it again in 2 months. Mary Kathryn went with us and pushed having a PET scan. Dr. Hancock said he would see if Medicare would approve one although he was a little skeptical of the test saying that it often gives false positives and negatives. Lou made the trip well. We drove in in a light rain. After lunch with MK at Hedary's we were home by 2:30.

A note on our nature trail. We walked yesterday morning and there were two rabbits in the front yard. Haven't seen any for several months so we pleased to see them. Two means that there will be more. Also yesterday we walked in a snowstorm of ashes from our neighbor burning some of the trees behind us. He has had two huge backhoes clearing out trees. A hired burn specialist came by when I went to look over the fence. He said he was checking our fence line to make sure the fire didn't get on us. He told me that most of the dug up trees were buried 10 to 15 feet deep in large holes. The place looks different with all the trees gone except for a few left. They have sowed native grasses and we got about .3" of rain Tuesday night. Should help the grass grow. We may get some more late tonight. Didn't get any last night.

Our birds are less than in any year we have been here. We have one pair of swallows at the Halsell House and none here when in years past we had multiple nests at both houses. We have our cardinals, tufted titmouse, goldfinch, and other finch. I have seen one peewee nest in front. Even the hummingbirds seem to be fewer this year.

This week we had a fat raccoon eating bird food on the terrace and climbing up the pole to a bird feeder. I greased the pole and haven't seen him up there since. We rarely see them, but they come around about dark. We see their tracks on the road and trail every morning so we know that they wander around at night. Yesterday I took the second peach broken tree limb off. High winds last week broke a limb off of each peach tree in our front yard. They were loaded with peaches. Lou thinks that they were helped because heavy coons were in the trees. We don't know that. By July we will have some peaches and the squirrels, fox and coons will have the most.


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