Sunday, July 27, 2008

Yesterday literary giants came to visit Lou. Bob Compton, who edited the book page for the Dallas Morning News for years brought his neighbor in Garland, Bob Dunn who earns his honest living from Coca Cola but has a Texana library of his in Stephenville that is used for research by scholars. On the way from Garland they stopped in Comanche to pick up Margaret Waring who is also an expert on Texana and who knows how to find our house. Every time she comes she always overshoots and has to come back. This time they were deep in conversation and drove all the way to Admiral where Lou's parents are buried so they got the entire history of Halsell Hill. After an hour of conversation remembering all the women writers that Lou wrote about in HER STORY and their reminiscences of Bill Shearer and his wife Kathy, Bob Dunn reviewed Lou's library and said it looks like his in Stephenville. He was an interesting person who seemed to have a photographic memory of books. He could tell us where any book was in Lou's shelves after one walk through.

While they were here Mark, Mary Kathryn and Ashley came in. Mark regalled the Bobs with stories of his visit to Pakistan and his opinion on the Quantas jet hole in the fuselage. He also reviewed all the recent airliner crashes. Lockheed was called in on the one where the Airbus composite tail broke off taking off from New York.

Today I had the job of worship leader and Mark, MK and Ashley came to see our new church building. I spent SS hour working with our new treasurer to write her first payroll checks. After church we had a great meal with our daughter Kathy and her daughter Vanessa who came in this morning. Ike and Sue Neal also ate with us and visited. Before he left Mark helped me fill the deer feeders. The temperature was only 99 here. Mark called to say that when they dropped off Ranger Hill it got to 106 and was 103 when they got home in Weatherford.

Kathy is here to chauffer us for the next 3 days and has to go back to work. She is also working on her new home in San Antonio that they closed on Friday. She has to paint some rooms before they move in. And they have to help Vanessa move to a new location in Lubbock in a couple of weeks.


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