Tuesday, February 24, 2009


That was Lou's summary of today. First the good. Lydia brought the Avon order and Lou had ordered some pink house shoes that had a heel that fit perfectly. She also got some cosmetics all for about $27. She always appreciates Lydia coming. She decided to be nice to us by coming at 10 and staying till 2 so that I can go to Kiwanis. It was a good thing I went. The speaker was my pastor. Lydia heated some soup to share with Lou.

The two bad things were when she got her email. Texas Tech wrote an email saying that they didn't have room to archive Jane Gilmore Rushing's records. That was where Lou researched for her biography of Rushing and she gets most upset that Texas women writers are minimized by the institutions. She responded and suggested that Tech honor one of their best writers, but if they can't find the storage space to look to TWU women's collection. I followed up by forwarding the emails to Dawn Letson at TWU and she has responded that they will be pleased to archive Rushing records, so maybe it will work out, although it was a major blow to Lou because people don't respect all the work that she has done. She hasn't read the Letson email yet.

Her other email trauma was trying to finish her judging for the Spur award for best short story. Although she didn't have a lot to read she has had real problems trying to keep track, organize and find the time to read the stories. With her constant fighting of the pain she can't accomplish all that she wants to. She said she isn't going to accept any more judging projects. I objected when she said yes to this assignment, but she thought she would be able.

The new timed release stronger pain medicine seems to be working well. Lou started it last night with another one this morning and only took one of her other pain pills about 4 this afternoon after her traumatic email session.

The plumber delivered a stack of plastic lateral liners and a lot of plastic water pipe this afternoon. He will bring the backhoe and start excavation tomorrow. So the main downer for me was that I didn't get a nap. Keith called to say they were watching the Spurs and Mavericks on a local San Antonio TV station and to call back for an update. When Lou went to bed I called back, but Kathy and Keith had quit watching and were crawling into bed also. Spurs were ahead so I don't know what has happened. May have to use my computer to find out. I keep forgetting that it can access game results anytime. I did get some work done by writing my Kiwanis email to send tomorrow and even started on my LW column for next week, something I generally do at the last minute.

Keep praying for Lou, that keeps her going.


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