Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Yesterday wasn't over when we went to bed. About 11:45 Lou got up to go to the bathroom and suddenly yelled "I've fallen". I heard the crash and had a heck of a time getting a light on to see where she was. She had fallen toward the rocker with the walker on the rocker and her in the middle of the floor. She had blood running down her arm from a scratch running from her shoulder to the elbow and an abrasion below the elbow that was bleeding. Nothing too bad but I got the bandaids and gauze after sponging off with hydrogen peroxide. Then came the big problem. How do we get her up? We tried several positions and finally she crawled back to the bedside where she tried unsuccessfully to pull up on the bed. I stacked pillows to try to elevate her. That didn't work. She finally got the walker in front of her and I got behind her and lifted her to a standing position with her yelling "you will hurt yourself". I didn't and she sat on the bed while I got gauze dressings on the upper arm and a larger bandaid on another spot on her right arm. We were both thanking God that no bones were broken. I think that when she fell she scraped her arm on the bottom little slides on the walker. This morning I took those off and replaced them with rubber tipped legs. Makes it a little harder to move the walker but she doesn't seem to mind. It was after midnight when we got back to bed after she finally got to the bathroom.

And the Spurs beat the Mavericks, but the Aggies beat Nebraska with a last minute 3-pointer at the buzzer. We didn't watch it but were glad to read about it this morning.

Lou ate her regular Cheerios and cinnamon toast breakfast and feels better except for the bumps and bruises. We tested the baggage finder that Mark gave us. It doesn't work at all outside but works great up in my office, so I now have no excuse for not working on taxes except I am lazy. And now it is time to fix lunch. May have my take home moo shoi gai pan.

Cherry Shults will be the angel staying with Lou tomorrow while I go to the eye doctor. It is great to have such good friends helping out.


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