Friday, April 04, 2008

We are in Canyon, TX for the annual West Texas Historical Society where Lou will read a paper this afternoon. We drove up yesterday, leaving home at 10. We got to Post a little after noon and ate at George's restaurant that had very good food. I filled up with gas and we took Highway 207 north. It goes straight north thru Ralls and Floydada and through towns we didn't know about like Caprock, Emma (a ghost town) South Plains. I was surprised at all of the cotton farms in that rough area East of the Caprock. I had expected to see only ranches, which were plentiful. We drove north to Silverton where we turned west to Tulia and back on I-27 thru Happy to Canyon. There was a huge wildfire a few miles SW of Tulia. The wind was high the whole way. We could see clouds way back in the SE, but don't think we got any rain at home at least looking at the cumulative rainfall map on the net.

Lou took a prescription pain pill before we left and handled the trip with little pain. She has a cold and is coughing and blowing a lot, but it doesn't seem to be getting worse. I had one for 3 days that has only lingered a little as congestion. She is getting a little better as the chemo leaves her body. The other day she said she even got up from the couch without back pain, but that was an isolated experience. Hopefully if another disk doesn't collapse she will continue to get better.

It was 84 degrees when we got here but this morning it is in the 40s and will get to a high of 65, so the cold front moved thru. Our sessions don't start until this afternoon. Last night they had an early bird reception and dinner and we got to see a lot of old friends. Preston and Harriett Lewis were there and we haven't seen them for years. Preston has quit writing what I thought were some of the best westerne I have read. He tells the story that everytime he published a western the company went out of business so each book was published by a different publisher. He handles publicity for Angelo State University and completed a Master's in History. The last I heard he had a 3 book contract to write children's books. I think about western historical persons.

Lou's paper is how Jane Rushing used West Texas history in her novels. I think, I haven't read her paper. She says this is the last paper she plans to write. She is working on her memoir, at least in her head. She plans to submit chapters soon to Judith Keeling at TT Press.

I got an email yesterday from a reader of my Livestock Weekly column asking for more information on the company that is having remote farmers launch balloons with wi-fi internet stations to cover remote rural locations. The reader was a woman in a remote NM location who wanted to help launch balloons. I had read about it in my Wall Street Journal and fortunately when I googled I found the article online and sent it to her. I wonder how many newspaper columnists who list their email address get any replies. I have always listed my address asking for response and get almost no replies. No more than four or five a year.


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