Thursday, March 20, 2008

Yesterday the rain gauge had a total of 3.4" for the two days. We drove to Fort Worth and had lunch with Mary Kathryn at Hedarys restaurant. They have a luncheon buffet and we enjoyed all of it. We got in the doctor's examing room at 1:26 but Dr. Siadati didn't come in until 2:15. He examined the surgery site and said his only advice for Lou was to try water aerobics for exercise to take the strain off of her back. We asked what he would recommend to build up bone density and he said that should be handled by her primary physician. We got a letter from our primary, Dr. B. J. Estes stating that he was retiring in April so we will have a new physician to consult with on bone buildup. B. J. was our age and his retirement was not unexpected.

Today we went through Abilene to get our dirty car washed and ate lunch at the Town Crier restaurant. I had teriyaki chicken and we had enough left over for our evening snack. We are at the Texas Folklore Society meeting in Lubbock where Lou will be the special honoree at the dinner tomorrow night. We got here at 3:45 and Lou spent all afternoon visiting with all of her long time TFS friends. Fran Vick with her son and daughter-in-law were the first we met then Margaret Waring, Chris Waring, Bob Compton, James Ward Lee, James and Mary Harris (Mary is now a dean at College of the Southwest Jim is Lea County Museum director) Elmer and Ann Kelton, Jack and Elizabeth Duncan who brought Charles Linck with them, Sarah Greene, the Chesnuts, and a bunch of others came by to make Lou's day.

Lou is planning on going to the Hootenanny that is starting now, but don't know if she can tear herself away from the Dallas Mavericks playing the Celtics. Tomorrow she plans to meet with her TT editor, Judith Keeling about the memoir she is beginning to work on again. Also our daughter, her husband and two granddaughters will be here tomorrow at least for the dinner and maybe some of the sessions.


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