Saturday, March 15, 2008


Our south peach tree broke out in blooms today. The north tree doesn't seem to be hurt by the two nights when the temperature got to 27 degrees. Now the south tree that is a different kind of peach is blooming. It is always a couple of weeks behind the N tree. It has two peaches, one is a large free-stone and the other a small later ripening peach. Strange tree. Both of them were transplanted from trees that came up in some construction sand that was used by the grandkids as a play box when we built the house.

I have been asked to post something everyday on this blog, but I think there should be something to be said. Lou has been walking every day to the cross fence and I have been saving gas by walking to get the mail after I walked with Lou before breakfast. (This morning I baked a couple of biscuits, poached eggs and heated some sausage patties.)

I might comment on a philosophical observation on aging. A couple of years ago I thought my body had completely shut down. I was unable to lift my arms high enough to fill the deer feeders or put the metal bird feeder on the hook. I couldn't even vacuum the house and that is when we first hired help that we have enjoyed and keep till now. About a year ago my right leg quit working and stopped me from walking my two miles each morning. As I have observed before aches and pains come and go. At this point in time they have gone. I am feeling better than I have for a couple of years. I can use my arms and walk without hurting. Lou says that is the way arthritis works. It comes and goes and nothing you eat or pills you take have any effect on the cycle. She may be right but I still take glucosamine just in case it helps.

For our nature report, this morning when we walked we always check the pond and for the first time since last fall we saw goldfish. They were in a school and hungry. We didn't see any large fish. But we have a lot of two to three inch long fish. The water temperature must be coming up. We were observing the changes in nature since we came here. For 15 or 20 years we had a pair of owls up on Halsell Hill and one year about four years ago had some screech owls in a bird box on the upper porch. But now we don't have any owls anywhere. We also don't have any mice for them to eat. We also haven't seen any rabbits this year. We do have our momma fox in the back yard. We see deer occasionally. The other day we had a big buck with a doe walk through. And of course Dotty had the run-in with the skunk, but I haven't seen him since.

We have had a bunch of wildfires north of us the last couple of days. But nothing close. We could see the smoke in the north. Most of the fires were north of I-20 but there was one fire between Clyde and Baird. They got it out fairly quick. I called my brother, Walt, who lives north of Atlanta. He said they have had large rain fall but no damage. Were still under a tornado watch all day. He said the rain has helped fill the reservoirs and they have lifted the watering ban.

I finished working on income taxes and for the first time in years I have to pay some so I am not in a hurry to mail it. I shouldn't have cashed out one of the small IRAs that I had, but I am trying to simplify my financial affairs as I consider I might not be here forever. However I have hope. Today we heard that Paul Patterson died yesterday, but he was almost 99. Seems a good goal to shoot for.


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