Saturday, February 23, 2008

Friday we left at 7 and got to Parkland Hospital campus of TWU in Dallas at 9:45 for Lou's meeting at 10. She popped prescription pain pills and worked on adrenalin. While they were working the nice people gave me access to a DSL line and I got a lot of work done. I checked my email and then wrote my Livestock Weekly column and emailed it. I then wrote the minutes of two meetings I had for the church and emailed them to those who needed them. They let me and everyone else around have one of the box lunches and I ate the whole thing. A great sandwich, pasta salad, fruit salad and a cookie. Just as I finished my work, the regents finished and we all toured the GO mobile trailer that TWU uses to help school children learn what they need to do to go to college with most of the questions about financial aid, but a lot of help on career counseling. They are primarily targeting young people who don't normally go to college. The mobile trailer has a satellite connection to the internet and about 20 or 30 laptops that can be used by the students. Lou loved talking to the TWU students who ran the trailer. They have GO centers at a bunch of highschools around the metroplex and have found them successful.

We left at 2 p.m. and were home before 5 all in all a sucessful day. Lou is doing a little better today. I made waffles for breakfast and tuna pasta for lunch. Lou walked to the pond in 77 degree weather, but the wind blew my hat off. Luckily it missed the pond. We saw one goldfish. The pond is covered with algae and I treated it with chemical. Too lazy to skim it like I should have.

Just before noon Louise Brogotti called from Fort Worth where she was looking at the books of the North Fort Worth Women's club and said they would have to close. Only 12 members and their membership campaign failed to add anyone. It is sad to see such long time organizations fold. Louise said she might come see us just to see West Texas. It looks sad during the winter, but if this weather stays this warm our peaches will start blooming.


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