Thursday, January 17, 2008

We contacted Dr. Hancock's office and he approved calling Dr. Siadati to have him look at Lou's back problem. They said the next open date for an appointment would be Feb. 6 but would try to find a date before then if they can get a cancellation. Dr. Siadati called that afternoon and told us that he would order an MRI to be done in Abilene. His secretary called to say that the appointment is scheduled for tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. Lou says she will take a pain pill and gut it out. She likes the people at the imaging center.

We are burning wood in the fireplace and staying very warm. Lou's chair is in front of the fireplace and she likes the warmth. I am feeling much better and walked to the mailbox to pick up the mail this morning. I hadn't walked all week and needed the exercise.

Lou is still reading novels to be judged. I am reading Glenn Beck's first book and agree with most of his conservative ideas. I watched the democratic debate in Nevada and found it really scary. Hillary stated that Bush is running the government using advisors and she would not do that. She would make all decisions herself. I would hope she would use some good advice if she becomes president.


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