Saturday, December 15, 2007

The event was the graduation in 3 1/2 years from Texas Tech by our granddaughter, Vanessa Wilcox. A couple of inches of snow fell during the night and the streets were icy slick. But our daughter, her husband, and three of her children plus our "adopted" daughter, Valerie Sheppard treated us like we were royalty. They loaded our car, drove it around to the front door, picked up Lou's sister, Sue and drove us to the front door of the arena where a footman in the role of our grandson, Jon-Marc, led us to an elevator that had an operator, took us up to the seating where our granddaughter, Val, was holding seats for the entire family.

We then celebrated Vanessa's graduation and regent Lou said it was the best operation she had seen in college or high school. The Chancellor of TT is Kent Hance and in his talk to the students he quoted our great friend, Dr. Ken Davis, who was his English prof and told them that they should be able to frame their ideas in a simple understandable statement. Vanessa made a 4.0 her last semester but missed cum laude by a fraction of a decimal.

We also got to see a Cross Plains resident graduate. James Ross was an active Key Club member who used to attend our Kiwanis meetings and I was proud to see him get a diploma.

After graduation we went back to Ness' apartment to visit with her roommates, and enjoy a great meal and desserts that all the girls and Keith had put together. Keith had bbqed chicken that he brought and Kathy and the two Vals made everything from homemade marshmellows to potato salad, corn salad and all kinds of dessert. After the eating Ness opened her graduation gifts with help from David Taylor's two young daughters. There were a lot of photos made.

We left at 3 with the temperature coming up and the roads clear of ice. I bought gas at $2.779 which is the lowest I have seen for weeks. Driving up we had been in the fog all the way and saw three major wrecks on 84 about one mile from I-20. There was no ice although we saw a ice break a few miles south of Lubbock. But we got to town with no problem and had time to nap Friday afternoon, then used the high speed internet connection to check email. First time we had slept on Tempurpedic beds. I loved it but Lou again had a night on not sleeping well, which is her natural rhythm. Maybe tonight she will sleep well. We were impressed that the arena at Tech had bannisters to hold on to to go to our seats. The seats had a good back and Lou had minimum discomfort. Because we didn't have to walk very far and had someone on both sides to prevent falls, it was a royal day. We got home just after sundown.


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