Thursday, December 27, 2007


I promised to post Louann's last letter from Alaska and here it is:

Hello, Everyone,Well, this is my last "sleep" before leaving for the holidays. I'm flying out a little earlier than planned to be sure I take advantage of the good weather. Out here one has to take it on a day to day basis as far as the weather is concerned, and bush pilots cannot fly in the fog, the wind, the dark, or the wet, freezing weather. The opportunity came up for me to leave tomorrow instead of Friday, and I jumped on it. It means I will spend two nights in Anchorage but that's O.K.

We had our Christmas program for the village on Tuesday. The children sang and performed in a little play. Then Santa came and we had refreshments. I always enjoy having the people in the village for an event. It's the only time I get to meet people and feel a part of the community.

This time I met the new Moravian pastor and his wife from Bethel. I met the "Upi" (granddad) of most of our students (nine out of fifteen students). At the end of the program, we had the audience join us in singing Christmas carols. As I stood there singing, looking out over the children and our guests, I had this very surreal, storybook moment. Here I was singing songs that I had been singing all my life. The only difference was that I was singing along with my new Yupik students and friends of Twin Hills, Alaska thousands of miles away from home. Those feelings mixed with my excitement about going home for Christmas definitely brought the emotions to the surface.

I am attaching some pictures of our program and one of a beautiful December sunset.

Alussistuaqeataaarmek Piamteggen

(We Wish You a Merry Christmas)

Allussistuaqegtaarmek Piamteggen

Allussistuaqegtaarmek Piamteggen

Allussistuaqegtaarmek Piamteggen

Cali allrakuqegtaarmek! (And a Happy New Year!)

I wish all of you a very, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thank you again for your words and acts of encouragement. You really have been the "wind beneath my wings" if you will let me use that phrase. I don't know another one that quite describes your support in such an appropriate way.

I love you all, Louann


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Lou and Charles. And hello all of our fellow blog watchers. Thanks to Charles and Lou for keeping us updated on Lou's progress, on your journey. I hope you have had a lovely Christmas and continue on to a wonderful New Year--one filled with health and happiness. I am greatly relieved everything looks so good with the CA125. Don't go partying too much!!

I said goodbye to Brad's family this morning. They (including Brad) are crawling back to the Panhandle to do a little pheasant hunting. Will and Rhys and I are taking it easy--recovering from many sweets and lots of toy playing. We're off to Lubbock tomorrow, though, and then over to Possum Kingdom to visit family and enjoy a quiet New Year's in front of a crackling fire at my parents' old rock farmhouse.

I'm not reading westerns, but I am reading novels in preparation for a novel writing course I teach in the spring at Sul Ross. Since I am really a short story specialist, this class should prove a nail biter for the teacher!!

Take care--I continue to think of you often.

Laura Payne Butler
Alpine, Texas

12:36 PM  

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