Monday, December 07, 2009


This Monday has been a bummer. I wanted to post the flag to remember Pearl Harbor today but the freezing drizzle didn't seem like a good place for the flag. I had ice building up on the mail box. When I went to town to help label and mail the Library newsletter, icicles were forming on my eaves. Freezing drizzle formed on my windshield coming home and I am dreading the ice bark causing a power outage. I am out of fire wood and can only last about an hour or two with the final logs in the fireplace.

Sunday morning started with the Sunday School class absorbing Leviticus 17-21. 17 is entitled Eating Blook Forbidden and the first comment was that she would be glad to finish Leviticus and all of the blood. So we moved to 18 entitled Unlawful Sexual Relations that starts with the explanation by the Lord that the people had to avoid the practices of the Egyptians where they had lived and the Canaanites where they were going. I saw a History channel show on pornography in Egyptian art and can see why this chapter was necessary. The verses on prohibiting sex with animals got an Aggie joke, but we agreed that this is still a problem in our society. We liked chapter 19 entitled Various Laws that starts with the Lord telling Moses to tell the people Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy. And we agreed that you should respect your mother and father, since the class is a bunch of mothers and fathers. We agreed not to create idols of cast metal. And we agreed to share our gleanings with the poor. We had to discuss vs. 15 "Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly." Something to think about concerning how we treat the poor. The last half of 18 seemed fairly familiar " your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord." However verse 19 included the prohibition "Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material." We all agreed with 35 that we should use honest measurements. (Especially in global temperature measurements.) Chapter 20 is entitled Punishments for Sin. 13 says "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." And 27 says "A man or woman who is a spiritist among you must be put to death." Chapter 21 is rules for priests and we didn't have any in the class.

We celebrated communion and lit the second candle in church followed by an Ad Council meeting to raise the preacher's salary to keep his take home pay the same due to increased insurance costs. So I got away a little late for my date at New York Hill restaurant. I got there at 1:05 but Nancy was delayed by having to switch cars and came in a little later. She is an author and we discussed our lives and when I left I was amazed that the time was 5:20. I thought it was about 3.

When I got home I found a Blue Darter hawk dead on the front porch. I presume he flew into a window and broke his neck. I am glad that he is no longer catching my songbirds. But he is a pretty bird.

My neighbor just brought me a container of chicken and dumplings that she was sharing with another widow and me. Two of her children delivered it to my door and they were bubbly. Her daughter plans to be an olympic runner and is getting tall and lanky. The young son is always wanting to quip with you. I told them not to slip on the ice, but they said that ice hasn't formed on the walks yet, even though it is making icicles on the roof. I guess the roads and walks are still too warm to let ice form. I am not going out in the morning until the predicted warmup has some time to thaw ice. Predicted to be 65 degrees tomorrow, but they predicted 44 for today and it only got up to 32.8.


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