Thursday, January 08, 2009


This morning Lou was really weak when she got up. She was able to shower but needed my help to towel off. She had to sit down to dress and put on her makeup. She was able to get to her chair where she took two pain pills, the double strength vicodin. She ate all of her Cheerios cereal for breakfast, a first. She then went to the couch and was sleeping when the plumber came to change the element in the water heater.

The plumber didn't believe me when I told him about the scale buildup but after two hours of cleaning the calcium carbonate out he understood what I was telling him. He also got a couple of pieces of metal that he thinks is the anodes. I originally asked him to replace the hot water heater but I had an element and he replaced it. It is heating water really well now. Next time we will put in a new heater. It is 12 years old.

After lunch of flour tortillas that Mark and MK left here with lunch meat and cheese they left we both took a nap but were interrupted by the occupational therapist who set up more exercises for Lou. He got a couple of cans from the pantry and had Lou doing weight lifting exercises. He again helped her on breathing exercises.

He brought a bench for the tub, installed it and had her walk to the bathroom and get in and out. He also brought some new risers for the commode seats that I had ordered without seeing them and after we installed them found that they didn't work. They were too soft and unstable, so we put the too high ones back on. I don't do too well ordering by telephone and not seeing the product. The idea was to get some less tall. They were the right height but too soft.

Tonight Lou feels awful but two pills later feels like she can go to bed and sleep. She is having trouble staying awake to watch OU and Fla in the BCS bowl. Hopefully tomorrow will be better with your prayers helping.


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