Saturday, December 27, 2008


Lou asked for some assistance and fortunately for me our #1 grandson Jim was here to assist. Lou was having problems stand up after using the pot. This morning our granddaughters Val and Vanessa went to Abilene and brought home a set of arms for the pot plus a walker. When we tried to put the arms on the pot, we found that it is symmetrical and it hit the built up shelf on the side. Jim solved the problem by drilling two off center holes and forcing the bolts to self tap into the metal rod. I could never have done it and it tested his muscle power but he did it! He then assembled the walker and adjusted it. Lou appreciated it and has used it this evening.

She is still having difficulty eating. Kathy prepared a special custard cup for her tonight and she ate a little. About an hour later as she prepared to get ready for bed she takes a couple of pain pills an hour before bed time and she gagged on the first one and we had to change her robe and wash it. She was able later to swallow the two pills that Kathy broke into small pieces. She has gone to bed but says she never thought she would feel this bad. Keep her in your prayers and I am thankful for all the help that I have had this weekend and thank God for His help.

Our friends from Kathy's days at A&M Valerie and Guy Shepard came by for a visit. Valerie was Kathy's roommate her first year at A&M and has called Lou and I her foster parents ever since. Guy is a Veterinarian who left his practice in San Angelo this year to go to work for A&M to raise money for the college. They moved to College Station and drove by to see Lou and go on to spend the weekend in Angelo. They brought gifts as they always do. A bottle of Cabernet and a framed needle work for special friends. Lou loved having them visit and maybe missing her nap this afternoon will help her sleep well tonight. I know that I will.


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