Tuesday, December 16, 2008


The temperature started at 20 degrees this morning and has been below freezing for two days. It finally got above freezing this afternoon. From a literary viewpoint Lou is reading Louise Erdricks THE MASTER BUTCHERS SINGING CLUB and enjoys it. She still reads more of C. S. Lewis in her morning devotionals. She is still hurting but has taken Sylvia Grider's advice to increase her calorie intake by drinking Ensure. She has finished two bottles the last two days 1/2 at a time.

The scary part of the day was when I heard her call. She had gotten to the top of the stairs and ended up on the top step sitting down. She didn't fall. She just ran out of gas and couldn't make the last step. She said she didn't have any energy. It was the first time she has gone upstairs for a couple of weeks. When Lydia comes every other Tuesday to clean she cleans upstairs first and they Lou goes up there to rest while she cleans downstairs. She rested this afternoon and let me go down in front of her coming back down. Hopefully she will continue to gain strength as she eats a little more and drinks Ensure.

Your prayers are appreciated.
I mailed out our Internet Christmas Card. If you aren't on my mailing list and didn't get one, email me and I will send it. It has a great poem by local author Carol Walt, who retired here from Dallas where her husband was a police captain.


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