Thursday, December 18, 2008


It warmed up a little today and this morning looked like it was raining. The heavy moisture content didn't produce fog but water was forming on the plastic chairs, the rocks in the walk and patio and on the grass and dripping from the trees but it wouldn't rain like we needed. Lou still hurts a lot but has begun taking a little more nutrition. This morning she said she could eat pancakes and my first attempt (I specialize in waffles) was to make them too thin, so I called them crepes. Lou ate one small one with syrup. She then slept on the couch until noon. For lunch I broiled a rib eye steak and she ate a little with some heated left-over mashed potatoes with cheese added and some black-eyed peas. She ate some fruit and frozen yogurt. She napped with me from 2-4 then drank another 1/2 of an Ensure. For supper she only drank a small glass of milk. I asked her if she feels a little more energetic and she said a little. I help her dress in the morning and at night. Thanks to everyone who is praying for her.

I took minutes at my last Administrative Council meeting at church last night and spent the morning publishing them to the council for corrections. I am also working to find a contractor to repair the septic system. May get that done in late January.


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