Sunday, September 02, 2007

COOL SEPTEMBER September is here and the weather is nice. The weekend was great with our granddaughter, Ashley, cooking blueberry pancakes for breakfast and chicken enchiladas for lunch. This afternoon I almost worked her new husband, Ross, to death. I had asked him to trim up a peach tree. We hauled the trimmings to a brush pile and I decided to pick up the firewood that the tree trimmers had left along the road. Some of the logs were five feet long and large diameter. I hadn't realized how big they were or would have waited. But he loaded them in the pickup and we unloaded them at the firewood pile. I will get one of the other son-in-laws to chain saw them into fire wood size.

They also came to Sunday School class where the lesson was Genesis 1 and I got to give my 50 year study of Creation Science to the class who are tired of hearing my ranting about the subject. Ross is interested in science and took one of the papers I had written some years back plus some of the Creation Science Research literature.

Speaking of literary study Lou was complaining about the passage in Exodus where the Lord sends Moses to Egypt and then trys to kill him along the way. Ashley tried to explain that the OT Lord was a vindictive Lord. But decided He is the same yesterday and today so we had a good discussion of theology.


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