Friday, July 27, 2007

Things are going well on Halsell Hill. Lou finished her report on the manuscript she was reading and is now eager to write more on her memoir. We received the itinerary on granddaughter Vanessa's mission trip to India. She flies from Lubbock Sunday morning to DFW then to JFK and from there to Mumbai, India a fifteen hour flight. She is going with a church group from Lubbock to work with women in India. So keep her in your prayers until her safe return home August 13.

We are looking forward to our granddaughter Ashley's wedding August 4. We will look forward to being with all the relatives for the affair. We will miss Vanessa who had scheduled her mission trip before the wedding was scheduled.

I have been doing a lot better physically. I have been hoeing grass burrs from the yard and still walk 2 miles each day. I got the ladder and harvested peaches from both trees. We have been eating some everyday. Lou is not improving as rapidly as we had hoped. It is a struggle for her to walk to the front gate each day. Tuesday night we went to the Cross Plains Library fund raiser where Carol Walt told about her romance book DREAMING IN ITALIAN. We enjoyed her presentation, but it lasted a little long and Lou's back was hurting. It took the next day to recover.

The wildlife are doing well. Momma Fox has weaned her four kits and they still run around like pups. A rabid fox bit a woman in Abilene but ours seem to be healthy. We haven't seen any fawns this year. The deer seem to come in at night although we see a doe occasionally at the feeders.


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