Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lou has had a couple of really bad days. She attributes it to the effects of the chemo lingering into the week. She says that today is better than yesterday, but she has not eaten anything today to speak of. She ate part of a slice of toast for breakfast and a little more at lunch but only ate about half of the slice.

She has been nauseous for the last two days and had enough pain that she has been taking one to two pain pills every 4 - 6 hours. She slept fairly well last night after taking two pain pills. This morning she had a little fever but it is gone this afternoon. This morning she laid on the couch for most of the morning. I spent an hour mowing with the Ford tractor.

We got a really nice email from Jeff Singleton who says he has been unable to comment on the blog. I know others have had the same problem. Keep trying, we appreciate hearing from all of you and really appreciated your prayers.


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