Friday, October 10, 2008

Looking at the last post and even after editing, I can't get the photos where I want them. Lou has started reading PALACE COUNCIL but promises that tomorrow she will write on the memoir. Today we went to Abilene to get Lou's Evista prescription and ate at China Garden where the special is still less than $5. Just about the right amount of food for us. I then bought gas for $2.959 at HEB, recycled paper, plastic and glass and picked up a few groceries we can't get in CP. Lou is doing better today than yesterday. I told her she would be better every day until the next chemo next Wednesday.

I just finished Boone Pickens THE FIRST BILLION IS THE HARDEST. I reported on it before and wonder how many billions he has lost in the last week betting that oil will go to $150. It got to $80 today. The local oilman I met the other day who is holding two months of oil that he can't sell until he can get a plugging unit to plug a well on the lease must really be hurting as the price drops. Boone is a blow hard. He talks about one divorce and one new wife, but Lou tells me that the Texas Monthly article said she was his fourth wife. He also brags about supporting Oklahoma State with millions of dollars of gifts that are generating more millions. I was amused that he gave them $165 million that they invested in one of his funds to increase the value to over $300 million. I wonder if they still have their funds in his hedge fund that has lost billions last week. He pushes his plan to decrease the dependence on foriegn oil by pushing his company that fuels cars and trucks with natural gas and his development of wind turbines to make Pampa the Wind generation capital of the world, but will allow no turbines on his 24,000 acres because they are ugly. He is developing his ranch for a wild life hunting ranch. He really ticked me off with his support with millions of dollars to support his wife's campaign to prevent horses from being slaughtered for food. That is something else I don't agree with him. He has a chapter on giving to a number of causes and wants to give where it will challenge others to give also. He has given millions to hospitals, schools and other charities. He started out a Methodist, but I don't know whether he supports them financially.

I have started TWELVE MIGHTY ORPHANS by Jim Dent. As Margaret Waring told me it is a compelling story. It really hit home today as Dent told about the 1934 state championship game in Corsicana where December 26 trains from FW, Amarillo and Houston came in a snow storm to the small town without a large stadium. The Masonic coach lost a coin toss to have the game played at a much larger stadium in FW. It was during the middle of the depression and prohibition was producing a lot of bootleg whiskey. Amon Carter with his jar of moonshine and cigars was there. There were so many people that the game was played with drunken fans on the field. They even stopped the game for 50 minutes when one of the temporary stadium seats collapsed. No one was killed or even hurt much so the game went on. Corsicana won on penetrations in a 0-0 game.

The description of the reactions to the market drop was much like today when Texans thought they were bullet proof because they were the energy center of the world at the time. Ranger, Eastland, Desdemonda were oil booms at the time. By 1934 even Texas had soup lines and poverty. Conditions at the Masonic Home were terrible but the Masonic football team dominated high school football during this period with every Mason in the state, and every town had a large group, followed the team. I am looking forward to reading rest. I am at the point where the orphans have found boxing as a competitive sport for them. Five boxers shared one pair of tennis shoes and one mouth piece. I am about half way through the book.


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