Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Charles and Cheryl Korbell drove all the way from their home in San Antonio with stops in Llano to pick up BBQ and in Brownwood to pick up tortillas for fajitas. Along with slaw, potato salad and two kinds of beans plus a bunte cake we had a great visit remembering old times at A&M where Charley picked up the title Colonel due to his rank in the Corps of Cadets.

We actually met Charley's older brother first when Lou was in an English class with John Korbell. He became a visitor at our home to study and escape from the Corps activities. Then he told Lou about meeting this great girl named Bonnie in Junction at a drive-in. He would call Lou and say "you won't believe this, but". One day when Bonnie had gone to school in New York, he called with that statement and said that Bonnie's father, Jack Bowman, had called him and told him there was an airplane ticket at the Houston airport and he wanted to see John at a hotel in NYC the next day. When John protested that it was finals time, he ignored the protest and John made his first air flight. When he got to the NY hotel the father dismissed Bonnie and grilled John until the wee hours and finally said he would do. John flew back but had a tough time with the finals. John was in the last class of engineers that were permitted to take five years and obtain two degrees, one in English and the other engineering. We were invited to the wedding reception in SA and were impressed with a millionaires home with the trophy room that contained an elephant foot waste basket. Later John and Bonnie came by our home in Austin on the way to John's active duty tour.

Lou was teaching and one day substituted for another teacher. When she called the roll she asked Charles Korbell if he was John's brother and he jumped in his seat wondering how she knew John. Charley started coming to the house and one day told us that he had met this wonderful girl, Cheryl who was going to SFA and needed a place to stay on weekends. We loved her and Lou felt sorry for her parents when we were the ones that she came to the door with a bouquet of roses for being named the Corps sweetheart. We got to know her for 3 years before Charley graduated and went to work. It took Charley a couple of years before he asked for Cheryl's hand.

One thing that C&C started when Cheryl stayed with us was a practice of leaving sticky notes hidden everywhere with sayings on them. After they left today we started finding notes. On the bathroom mirror was one: Remeber "Life is not about things but about people" and ya'll are #1 Love, Colonel. Another one in the kitchen window said: I still love toast and jam in the morning thanks to you. The Col. Another on the fridge said: Ya'll saved me a ton of money on hotel $s and food. With a smiley face signed The Colonel. Another appeared under Lou's computer mouse saying: Thanks for staying up for my sweetheart. The Colonel. Another said You and Charles have had a profound impact (as role models) on our lives. The Colonel. Then a couple from Cheryl:Your home and Halsell Hill are just beautiful! C&C and the last one that we found:We're keeping you both in our prayers! Love, Cheryl and the Kernel.

The day was perfect and we are looking forward to our son Mark and Mary Kathryn coming this weekend. (Mark just called to say that he is fighting a bug and if it isn't an allergy he won't come and expose Lou.) The weather is supposed to be nice until next week when it will finally turn a little colder and we will need to plan to get some firewood in. Lou was rejuvenated by the visit. When we went upstairs to look at Lou's books she was short of breath and had to sit down for a minute. She says this chemo is one of the strongest that she has had but she hasn't had any nausea or other effects except a loss of energy. She didn't walk this morning. She is feeling better today than yesterday so maybe she will be better each day as the chemo wears off. Your prayers are being heard.


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