Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Last night was Meet The Author night in Cross Plains and we had Mike Cox talk about his books on the Texas Rangers. His grandfather was a newspaperman who worked with the Texas Rangers who were always at the scene of the news stories. He told about his grandfather traveling with the Ranger companies who went to enforce martial law on Borger in 1927 when it was a lawless oil boom town. Their first act was to remove 1500 prostitutes who were operating there. He told his stories about the good, bad and ugly Rangers.

When Jeff Singleton visited he told us about his encounter with James Mitchner when he was researching for his book TEXAS. Jeff had known most of the A&M athletes when he was in school because his brother, Jim, was on the football team. Another athlete was Billy Bob Barnett, who played both football and basketball. He played basketball more like a football player and almost caused a riot during one game.
After graduation Jeff got into the commercial real estate business in the metroplex. When Billy Bob started his famous tourist spot in Fort Worth, Jeff worked the real estate part. One day he got a call from BB saying some guy named Mitchell or Mitchsomething had called to ask for an interview and would Jeff come help him. Jeff went and James Mitchner arrived in a limousine with a secretary for the interview. Billy Bob was in Jeff's words a functional drunk who had started the day with his breakfast drink of grapefruit juice and vodka. Mitchner interviewed BB from 10 to lunch and then continued with the secretary taking notes of everything said. Jeff left about 2 and didn't know how long it went on. When the book came out one of Billy Bob's quotes were used in the book. I can't remember the exact quote.

Lou didn't make the meeting last night. She is low on energy and shouldn't be around the public. She missed seeing both Mike Cox and her friend Margaret Waring who came over from Comanche. Mike said he understood Lou's problem with chemo. Fifteen years ago he was diagnosed with esophagal cancer with a death sentence but chemotherapy made him a cancer survivor.

Cox will tour the Library and the Howard House today before returning to Austin to get another book in the mill. He broke all speed limits to get to his appearance last night driving from Austin to CP in 3 hours. But he got here at 6:30 and sold some books before his 7 p.m. talk. He sold a lot more later. His first volume on the Texas Rangers has sold out of the first printing. He second volume is due out in 2009.


Blogger JKL said...

Lou, we missed you at MTA!

10:28 PM  

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