Sunday, August 31, 2008

Yesterday we had 0.5" of rain that means I have to mow again. Lou is being zapped by her oral chemotherapy but it didn't stop her from finishing reading HOW PERFECT IS THAT by Sarah Bird that is a morality tale about high rollers in Austin and the ups and downs of the dotcom business. I read a couple of pages in a doctor's office and the woman protagonist has a failing business and can't pay her employees. As with most of Bird's books it was hilarious and Lou had to keep reading excerpts to me. She doesn't agree with Bird's politics but the shallowness of the women in Austin trying to keep up with the trends is apparent. Lou is also reading a couple of manuscripts for TTPress that she wants to finish soon. She stays busy in spite of the chemo.

Lou's chemotherapy is doing a job on her energy and she said one of the side effects is supposed to be lethargy and she is feeling it. She walked Friday morning to the creek with me. It took all of her energy to make it but she hung in there. We fed the gold fish and checked the water lilies. Yesterday a fox showed up on the terrace, but it isn't mama fox and we haven't seen her for weeks.

When I shopped Clyde coming back from getting my new glasses, Lou asked me to buy bread and I got a loaf of French bread. This morning she suggested I slice some up and make French toast and even if I do say so I did a good job. It was tasty. For lunch I picked up meals at Jean's. I had to substitute as Worship Leader at church after teaching SS. Lou wanted to go but her energy just wasn't up to the trip.


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