Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Saturday, August 23, Lou started taking her oral chemo. Yesterday we got the CA125 results from last Wednesday's test. So the starting number for this round of chemo is 137. It wasn't up much from the last test that she took, so the tamoxifen must have been doing some good. She isn't having bad side effects, but some slight stomach upset. She walked about a half mile yesterday but didn't walk today.

I am doing my usual goofy things. Yesterday at the request of my daughter-in-law and daughter I sent out the following invitation, but in my haste failed to recognize that in the subject line I had put Sept 5 in place of Sept 6. Hopefully everyone will read the invitation:

You Are Invited
To our parents’
Lou and Charles Rodenberger
82nd Birthdays and 59th Anniversary
Please join us on
September 6, 2008
2:00 PM until 4:00 PM
First United Methodist Church
Cross Plains, Texas
Given by:
Mark and Mary Kathryn Rodenberger
Keith and Kathy Wilcox
And families
Please no gifts – just your “presence” to celebrate these joyous occasions!
No RSVP necessary
For questions or directions please email:
Mary Kathryn at mkathryn@att.net
Or call at 817-917-8161
Kathy Wilcox at kandkwilcox@yahoo.com
Or call at 210-887-9016

It didn't copy too well here. It was a much more beautiful presentation in the Word document.

Lou continues to read the Bible every morning and she announced that when she finishes the Old Testament that she isn't going to read it any more because of all of the violence and killing. I told her that she still had to read Proverbs and Psalms. She says she reads a Psalm every day and likes Isaiah so maybe she won't completely abandon the OT. I am slowing down her work on her memoir because I started taking the Wall Street Journal again and she reads the Abilene Reporter-News and WSJ everyday and that takes up a lot of her time. She continues to read her files and plans to write more of her current chapter on the 1980s.

Oh, that phone call from my brother, Robert. It was a misdialed call. He has too many C. Rodenbergers in his cell addresses.


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