Sunday, February 10, 2008

These are the hard days after the last chemo last Wednesday for Lou. She tells me she has the chemo blahs. Her mouth has a terrible taste in the mornings and she has very little appetite. She did eat waffles I cooked Saturday morning. That is she ate one and I ate two. We each had a poached egg but I added a little piece of ham. But for lunch she ate very little yesterday and today. She hasn't taken pain pills until tonight.

In order to help her overcome the blahs we had a bat come into our lives. Last night after Lou had gone to bed and I was watching TV news like I do every night before going to bed, I saw this bird flying around the room. My first thought was that it flew like a swallow, but they aren't due back till March. Then it landed on the ceiling above my head and I saw that it was a bat. My next thought was how the heck it got in the house. I figured it must have come in through the fireplace. It then flew into the dining area and landed on the ceiling. I opened the fire place doors and the damper closed the door to the bedroom and went to sleep. This morning early after worrying about it all night, I got up at 6, told Lou to stay in bed while I checked out the other rooms. I then looked everywhere both downstairs and upstairs and told Lou that the bat must have left through the fireplace. We dressed and I went upstairs to work on my Sunday School lesson. I was aggravated that AOL was so slow that I couldn't get my supplemental material. Then I heard Lou's voice calling me. She had found the bat. He was on the ceiling over the front door. That was handy. I got the broom but when I tried to brush him out the door, he fell down back of the door on the shade and was at least 8 inches wing span. When I brushed him down to the floor he hung under the door and wouldn't come off when I moved the door. I had to use the broom to get him loose and out the front door. He still wanted to come back so I swept him off the porch. He didn't fly but crawled back to the porch but not up on it. When I left for church he was gone.

This afternoon was a bitter sweet time because I had to go to the funeral of another of my long time Sunday School students. Tommie Harris and his wife Phyllis were the most faithful members in the class. They were there every Sunday until last month when he developed pneumonia. He had been in the hospital last week but back in the nursing home where he unexpectly expired at age 91. He is the second class member to die in the last year. Bob Pipes is the Church of Christ minister who lived next door to Tommie assisted our minister, Margaret Friend in the service. Two of our choir members provided the music along with our pianist who played the funeral home organ for the service. The chapel was completely filled with people outside.

Tomorrow we get up at 5 to drive to Fort Worth for a 9 o'clock appointment for the followup check on the back surgery. Lou isn't looking forward to the drive, but we expect to come back by Eastland and eat at the China Cafe for lunch and get our nap in. I will have to do the laundry and buy groceries tomorrow afternoon if I don't sleep too long.


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