Tuesday, January 23, 2007

We hopefully had a breakthrough in the logjam of getting Lou's records to the spine clinic in FW. Due to the ice storm everything got fouled up last week. We thought that Dr. Endsley had written the referral letter and that everything had been faxed to FW last week. I checked yesterday and was informed that the dictated letter hadn't been typed but would be by the end of the day. When I called to followup this morning I was told the letter hadn't been dictated. I then called our family doctor, Estes, office and they said that he could do it, but he also dictates his letters that are sent out to a transcription service. I was flabbergasted. I used to dictate all my correspondence at A&M but it was typed by a secretary and returned within the hour. But a few minutes later Dr. Endsley called and apologized. A dictation tape was lost in the ice storm last week. He prepared a handwritten referral and I was assured that they would Fax it by noon. I called and left a message with the clinic, but haven't heard whether they have received the records. I will follow up tomorrow. Hopefully we can schedule the procedure by the week of 1/29. Lou has been being very careful about her back and the pain has been much better. She plans to walk tomorrow morning and I hope she doesn't aggravate the pain.


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