Friday, January 05, 2007

We had a great time in Round Rock celebrating the Sheppard/Dromgoole wedding, finishing our Christmas exchanges with the Wilcox side of the family and visiting Lou's cousin, Claudia, in Georgetown. Lou is taking buffered aspirin and Norco when necessary to make the back pain manageable. It is a good thing the Sheppard's only had two kids and both are now married. Both weddings were the largest I have ever attended. We enjoyed visiting old friends and making new ones. At the reception dinner, I sat next to Rob, a Longhorn dating an Aggie from Dallas. Rob had just gotten his law degree from SMU. My son, Mark, was at the table. Both he and I have Master's from SMU and I have a UT degree so we had something to talk about. TU had won their bowl game that afternoon. We got to play with our great-grandchildren, Christopher and Brent.

Sunday Kathy had arranged a visit with Claudia and Jerry Buster. The first time we have been to their home. They live on the edge of a golf course and Jerry gave Kieth a bag of golf balls. He says he collects them by the dozen every week. He is still flying RC models. We ate lunch at a restaurant named Wildfire a year and three days after the wildfire destroyed our church and parsonage along with 116 other homes in Cross Plains. We are looking at a cost a little more than our available funds to rebuild our church. I asked Jerry about the Baptist Church that we had passed driving in. Jerry said they have a $3 mil budget and a $12 mil building debt after spending $8 mil on a new education building. We may have to raise our Methodist CP sights.

To follow up on Lou's back problems, we met with a back specialist, Dr. Endsley, who told us the radiologist had found a small crack in a vertebra, but when he examined her, the pain seemed to be lower than the Xrays indicated. So he asked for an MRI to get a better diagnosis. Today Lou had one done in an open machine and suffered no claustophobia, but an hour on her back in the machine was very painful. We ate chinese food and came home. She is taking Norco generic and getting some relief. We will go back 1/11 to get the diagnosis. Tonight we are watching the Mavs at the Spurs and the first half looks like the Spurs game. Lou will give a book review Tuesday morning to a book club in Fort Worth and we will have lunch with our kids and visit Ike Neal who is recovering from a knee replacement operation. Then that night we have our first church building committee meeting of the year.


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